Saturday, November 27, 2010

Character: Do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do…

Definition:  Character is the sum of the choices you make during the course of a lifetime.

Quote:  We choose our character.  In fact, we create it every time we make choices. – John Maxwell

Successful leadership programs have a solid foundation of students with strong character.  Student leaders are faced with a multitude of decisions and choices everyday that test the quality of their character.

For example, their character is on display when they handle money, count votes, compete on a team, attend events, and how they spend their free time.  Student leaders live in a “fishbowl” and everything they say and do are on display for students, staff, administrators, and parents to see.  Thus, it is essential to have students in leadership that have good, strong character!

To ensure the integrity of student leadership on campus, student leaders must be willing to do the right thing, because it’s the right thing to do.  Student leaders face the same peer-pressures that all youth deal with, maybe even more in some cases.  However, student leaders must understand the importance of being a person of good character.

Reflection Questions:
  1. Who is someone you know that consistently does the right thing because it’s the right thing to do? 
  2. Discuss a few different ways to take the initiative when facing peer-pressure to do something wrong.
  3. Why do you think character is an important aspect of student leadership?  Explain.
  4. What do you think others say about your character?
  5. What are three ways you think you could improve your character?

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